Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Urban-Reviews.com - December 2007 Newsletter


Urban-Reviews.com Monthly Newsletter

December 2007- Keeping You Up-To-Date On African-American Fiction, Hip-Hop, and R&B!


We have our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway going on right now. Look in your inbox everyday during the contest for each day's featured contest (or go to the Group Page to view daily messages each weekday). All you have to do is send your name and mailing address to that specific email address to be placed in that day's drawing! You will have 24 hours (by 7am CST the following day) to enter and we will announce the winners that evening via the Yahoo Group. You can only win ONCE during this special giveaway and the contest is restricted to residents within the continental United States!!! Everyone will still be eligible for both the Walter Mosley and Sakai giveaway this month.

Check out what we are giving away this month on our CONTEST PAGE! We will gradually add the featured books for our 12 Days of Christmas contest.

Good Luck everybody!

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Reshonda Tate Billingsley talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- Her new novel 'The Pastor's Wife'
- Her upcoming projects including her teen series
- Her thoughts on the African-American Fiction market
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much More!!!

Click here for our Exclusive Audio Interview
with the Author of 'The Pastor's Wife'
Reshonda Tate Billingsley

Urban Reviews Updates
Don't forget to sign up for our Yahoo Group!

We've also updated the New and Upcoming Releases page for African-American Fiction, and the New Release page for Music!

We've added new features to our front page! They include a Book Excerpt of the Month, Hot Pre-Orders of the Month, Book Preview of the Month, Featured Author Site of the Month, and Featured Artist Site of the Month! Be sure to check those new items every month!

We have the Urban Reviews Top 15 Audio playlist as well as the Urban Reviews Video of the Month posted in the Media Center. We are still working on updating the African-American Book Excerpts page for you to read sample chapters before you decide to buy the books!

The Author Connection page features of different links to things like author webpages, Blogs, Myspace pages, Publisher sites, Literary sites, and Poetry Sites! And don't forget to check out the Artist Connection page as well!

We're on Myspace too! Check us out at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/URBANREVIEWS. We have hundreds of Myspace friends who are authors, literary agents, book reviewers, and other industry insiders.

We've also got the Urban Reviews Yahoo Group! The purpose of the group will be exclusively to converse about, promote, and inform each other on anything related to AA Fiction. Urban Reviews Yahoo Group members are the only ones who can be eligible for our Monthly giveaways. So CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE URBAN REVIEWS YAHOO GROUP today!!!

And last but certainly not least, we have our The Pinnacle, our official blog where you can look at press releases, Tour info, links to relevant online articles, and more. You can subscribe to our blog by clicking here! The Forthcoming is a daily blog posting where we post a new book preview for new and upcoming releases!!! Just click here and you'll be on your way!

Email Us your comments at Info@Urban-Reviews.com, and let us know what you think about all the new updates and features. This is an exciting time for Urban Reviews, and we thank you all for your continued support. We made it over the Two Year mark, and hopefully we'll be around for another 50! ~LOL~

Thanks again, and be sure you participate in all the stuff we offer! From Polls to Contests to discussions in the Yahoo Group! Let's make Urban Reviews the 'Go To' site for all fans of African-American Fiction, Hip-Hop, and R&B!



Please welcome our newest addition to the Urban Reviews Team. Her pen name is Tazzyt2bossye and she will be contributing book reviews for the Urban Reviews website. She runs the gamut as far as types of books she likes to read. Please check out her bio on the About Us Page for more information!


The best way for us to gain additional exposure is to vote for our reviews on the Amazon.com website. We only ask that you vote for the reviews that you deem helpful (hopefully they all are, but you never know!).

Below is the link to a listing of the books reviewed by us.

PLEASE DO NOT VOTE AGAINST OTHER REVIEWS! We are not trying to build ourselves up by breaking down others. Thanks to all, and hopefully we can show the world that Urban Reviews is on top of the game!

Help Promote Our Site!
Add Our Link or Graphic To Your Blog, Myspace Page, Official Website, Etc!

Link = http://www.urban-reviews.com

Don't forget to join the HALALA newsletter to stay on top of all the African-American authors coming out from Hachette Book Group USA.

Click the logo above to check out Radiah's ever-growing book shelf on Shelfari. Shelfari is a relatively new service that is kind of like Myspace for books! You can send friend requests, post comments, join online book groups, and of course build your own shelf! (Radiah is about 20-30% done with her list, and there are already 500+ books listed!) Check it out...and don't forget to send us your friend request (Please edit your request with a personal note saying that you are from the Yahoo Group!)

Don't forget to CAST YOUR VOTE! in our Mini Poll on the front page of the website.

Pre-order Mary J. Blige's CD

Pre-order Jaheim's CD

This month we want to know how many compact discs you ordered this year for yourself.

Visit the website and let us know!

And don't forget to FORWARD THIS NEWSLETTER to all your friends, family, co-workers, and associates that might appreciate what we have available at

We just completed our 29th month of existence, and we just climbed past 101900 hits to the website (that's over 4200 hits in the last month!)

We THANK YOU for the continued support!


Monday, December 10, 2007

The Forthcoming: Storm - Den of Sin

Den of Sin
Available December 15, 2007
Sex, Secrets, Drama. Nadia Weber. Beautiful. Sexy. Scandalous. A self-proclaimed sex fiend, Nadia s seen it all and screwed the rest. Swearing off sex with married men for cash, she sets her freaky sights on her co-worker, a gorgeous playboy with his own secrets and private fantasies. They get together in The Den, where anything and everything goes. Then a stranger rocks Nadia s world and she finally meets her sexual match in the dark, literally. Now Nadia must rely on friends and family to get her past lonely and confusing days where everything she loves and thinks she knows are threatened.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

On The Line w/Radiah Hubbert - Dec 2007 - Reshonda Tate Billingsley

December 2007

Reshonda Tate Billingsley talks to
Radiah Hubbert about:

- Her new novel 'The Pastor's Wife'
- Her upcoming projects including her teen series
- Her thoughts on the AA Fiction market
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much More!!!

Click here for our Exclusive Audio Interview
with the Author of 'The Pastor's Wife'

Reshonda Tate Billingsley

SAVE THE DATE : 17th Annual Great Midwest Book Fest : June 21, 2025

 More info coming soon!