Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sister Souljah Web Chat - Watch on at 7:50pmEST

Midnight and the Meaning of Love
Join Sister Souljah and Jada Pinkett Smith for a live web chat about Midnight and the Meaning of Love on Saturday, April 30th at 7:50 Eastern/4:50 Pacific. Don't forget to RSVP, tell your friends, and post questions on the Atria Facebook page at the link at the bottom of this page!

Click here to order an autographed copy of Midnight and the Meaning of Love! (Limited Quantities)
Don't want the autographed copy? Order a regular copy for only $14.50 at Amazon here.
Didn't read Midnight: A Gangster Love Story yet?  Order a copy today for only $7.99 at Amazon here.

Watch live streaming video from atria at

Want to post a question to Sister Souljah before the interview? Go to Atria's Facebook page by clicking here!

Don't forget to share the link on your wall so everyone can enjoy the interview.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Lutishia Lovely - All Up In My Business

All Up In My BusinessLutishia Lovely
All Up In My Business
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

The Livingston family are a very faith based family with a very successful family restaurant called "Taste of Soul." But the success of the restaurant may be tainted due to competition and jealousy between brothers Malcolm and Toussaint Livingston. Malcolm is getting a little bored with his life, being married to the same woman, and their ever expanding offspring. Malcolm wants what his brother Toussaint has, and that's the single life. Malcolm thinks that his brother does not have a care in the world because he's not tied to just one woman. Little does Malcolm know, that Toussaint's life is not all peaches and cream.

Toussaint is living the life. He has a successful family business and enjoys being single and having a different woman almost every night. But when he meets interior designer Alexis St. Clair, he thinks it'll be just another fling. But Alexis is determined not to be just another notch on Toussaint's belt. She intends to be his last conquest. Will the brothers be able to put aside their differences and expand the business, or will their private lives disrupt the business and ultimately cause them to lose everything?

If this is how this new series by Lutishia Lovely is going to start off, I cannot wait until the second book is released. Throughout All Up In My Business, there's drama, laughter, and little bit of naughtiness. By the end of this book, you'll be wanting more. I have always enjoyed reading Ms. Lovely's books. She has never disappointed and she didn't with this one. I enjoyed how the characters were connected in one way or another, and how the plot of the story never drifted off or dragged on. She keeps your interest from the moment you open the book. The book definitely had a cause and effect feel to it. You know what caused the drama and what the outcome would be. All Up In My Business was an exceptional read.

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of All Up In My Business today!

NEW REVIEW: T.N. Williams - Peace of Me

Peace of Me (Urban Christian)T.N. Williams
Peace of Me
Available Now!
4.5 out of 5 books

Celia Alexander believes that God is trying to test her faith. When her husband Khalil is sent to prison, she is having a hard time trying to get her life back on track and forgiving him at the same time. Celia stumbles across a young girl in Detroit that may be linked to her husband in some way. During her investigation, will Celia find more than she bargained for, or will she believe that the Lord has her best interest at heart?

Khalil has been sent to prison, but he is far more than a prisoner. Still, with connections to the outsid, Khalil's strange business will either add more time to his sentence or secure him a get out of jail free card. While all of this family drama is going on, Celia and Khalil's daughter, Kaleia, is suffering. In order to mask the pain, she decides to take a unhealthy route to get her through her pain. When she lands in a hospital bed, Kaleia realizes that life is too precious to just throw it away. Will Celia, Kaleia, and Khalil find the peace they need to move on?

Peace of Me by T.N. Williams is a novel about redemption and forgiveness. The book just flowed from page to page. Each time a new chapter started, you knew exactly how the author was going to present the character in that chapter. There was a very strong spiritual presents in this book. It never became too preachy, and it gave you a sense of how the Lord worked throughout each character lives. The book had a good pace, never got dull, and just was a good Christian fiction novel that kept your interest. Peace of Me by T.N. Williams is a very good read.

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Peace of Me (Urban Christian) today!

NEW REVIEW: Sydney Lyttle - Drama...Another Man's Girl

Drama...: Another Man's GirlSydney Lyttle
Drama...Another Man's Girl
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

What happens when you try to have your man’s back and always stay in his corner, but time and time again he neglects you and breaks promise after promise?  The end result can lead you right in the arms of temptation. What one man won’t do, another man will. Enter into the world of Drama…Another Man's Girl by Sydney Lyttle.

Chassidy (a.k.a. Chass) is a beautiful girl inside and out with a skill for doing hair, but her love life is another story. After many bad relationships, she meets El, a young man who has it going on with a great career, a penthouse, and seems to be a well put together type of guy. El and Chass enter into a romance, and things start off well; that is until El starts being neglectful and puts his job before his woman. In a chance encounter, Chass meets a guy named Shane, and her life is turned upside down. Chass begins to lie and deceive everybody in order to see and be around Shane. Chass is in a situation where someone will end up hurt. With two men dying for her affection, who will she choose?

El seemed like a perfect ten. Good looks, great career, and well educated. El was an investment banker at a prestigious investment firm that requires a lot of his time. El’s relationship with Chass begins to suffer because of him spending hours at work and missing commitments he promised to Chass. El is in for the surprise of his life when Chass confesses her true feelings and wants to end their fairytale relationship. El takes drastic measures into his own hands and will stop at nothing to prevent Chass from going into the arms of another man. Will El go too far in his battle to win Chass back, and could it lead to deadly consequences?

Drama...Another Man’s Girl was a great book. From beginning to end, the author Sydney Lyttle had me anticipating what would happen next. The twist and turns throughout the book made for a great storyline.  The novel showed how a person can be pushed to the edge when secrets are revealed and denial is a factor. This book will have you questioning motives and thinking twice about situations that may not seem right. You will not be disappointed with Drama...Another Man's Girl. I can’t wait to read the next book in the Drama series.

Reviewed by Kristin for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Drama...: Another Man's Girl today! 

NEW REVIEW: Thomas Slater - Show Stoppah

Show Stoppah (Zane Presents)Thomas Slater
Show Stoppah
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

Let me first say WOW. If you think you know what’s in store for you between the covers of Show Stoppah, I urge you to read the book for yourself. Kimpa and Isis meet at The Woman’s First Shelter, which provides support for woman who have been physically and mentally abused. How they landed in such a place will knock your socks off.

Homeless at sixteen, Kimpa Peoples fell in love with aspiring author, Brody Ellis, who is as evil and conniving as they come. To finance his dream of writing a book, he manipulates Kimpa into prostitution. Kimpa was raised by a strong woman with Christian values who spared nothing on tough love. The decision to do or not to do weighed heavy on her mind. What would her mother think from her grave? With the promise of making her co-author on the book, Kimpa agrees and quickly finds that sometimes a dream should remain a visionary fantasy in our mind.

Isis just finished high school and is now looking for a summer filled with sun and fun. But her aunt and uncle won’t hear of it. Her uncle tells her "the streets are dangerous and no place for a young lady." With an academic scholarship under her belt, Isis felt like she had earned the opportunity to hang with her girls.  Believing her elderly guardians didn’t understand her need to flex, Isis ignored all their words and headed for the club. Her book smarts were no match for the handsome, suave Denero Ganteeny.

As different as Kimpa and Isis are, they have qualities that are identical. This includes their love of money and need for love, which caused temporary blindness and a lot of heartache. Both girls are desperate for something and frustrated enough to act outside the box, not only for themselves but for women everywhere.

This is yet another "Zane Presents" showcased book which certainly satiated this reader’s taste buds. Show Stoppah is NEVER flat or boring; it draws you into the story and holds you hostage. You wish you could close the book because watching the pain, agony and defeat these two go through at the hands of very powerful men is just too much. But you stay and root for Kimpa and Isis because you cannot turn your back on them. Thomas Slater has done an extraordinary job of crafting this storyline and keeping all the details connected chronologically and the characters true to who they were with realistic growth. I thought  that this book was just another hip hop urban tale about two girls taking over a radio show, but don’t get it twisted because this is a SHOW STOPPAH! Lights Out!

Reviewed by Missy for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Show Stoppah (Zane Presents) today!

On The Line With Radiah Hubbert - April 2011 - Dwayne S. Joseph

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert - Dwayne S. Joseph - Author of 'Growning Pains' -

Dwayne S. Joseph talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- His latest book 'Growing Pains'
- His books 'Home Wrecker' and 'Eye For An Eye'
- His literary journey
- His new venture with
- His advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The Author Of 'Growing Pains'
Dwayne S. Joseph

Or listen to the audio interview right now (approx. 29 mins):

Order your copy of Home Wrecker today!
Order your copy of Eye For An Eye today!
Order your copy of Growing Pains today!
Check out Dwayne S. Joseph and his book 'In Strict Confidence' on A Chapter A Month website here:

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011



Presented By Urban Reviews - 


The headline authors for the 3rd Annual Great Midwest Book Fest are National Best-Selling Authors Victoria Christopher Murray and Naleighna Kai.  Other authors in attendance include Darrin Lowery, Venesha, Michelle Larks, Gary Ford, Tina Brooks McKinney, Everett Rupert, Monica Marie Jones, and Jhamika.


All of the featured authors will have a limited number of books available for sale. They will vary from Contemporary Fiction, Women's Fiction, Non-Fiction, Christian Fiction, Poetry, Street Lit, and more.  This event will be CASH ONLY.The book vendor may be taking other forms of payment, but they will only be carrying a selection of books by the two headline authors.

Buy at least one featured author's book at the event from the authors themselves or from the book vendor and receive a SWAG BAG filled with promo items (pens, bookmarks, postcards, etc) as well as a random FREE BOOK from one of our sponsors! If you buy 2 or more books, you will get 2 FREE books in your SWAG bag!  Limit 1 Free SWAG bag per attendee and there will only be 100 bags buy your books early!  

Everyone in attendence will receive a Souvenir Ad Program featuring author bios, a complete listing of books released by each of the featured authors, information on our sponsors for the event, and contact info for those that want to learn more about the featured authors, the sponsors, or Urban Reviews.

There will also be Door Prizes given out to those that pose for a picture for the website, give their video comments about the event, or who are simply picked out at random.  The prizes can be a free T-Shirt, a free book, etc!

PLEASE take the time now to help spread the word about this event.  There are links on this page as well as on your RSVP confirmation page that enable you to send out emails to your friends, family members and co-workers as well as post the information straight to your Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace accounts.  We will be doing aggressive promotion via the community newspapers, libraries, Facebook advertising, and flyers around town. 

Go to for full information!

Friday, April 08, 2011

INSIDE OUT WITH OASIS - Author of 'Push Comes To Shove'

Inside Out with Oasis

Author of "Push Comes To Shove"

Oasis is the award-winning author of Push Comes to Shove.  He is the CEO of Docuversion, a full-service editing firm, and an expert creative writing instructor.  He is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, and a proud father.

Urban Reviews:  Tell our readers about Push Comes To Shove.
Oasis:  Push Comes To Shove is about the pitfalls and struggles that an honest family faces while dealing with the perils of financial woes.  GP, the protagonist, and his wife demonstrate the dynamics of a family who is up against it.

Urban Reviews:  Where did the inspiration for this novel come from?
Oasis:  Push Comes To Shove is a result of my desire to break the mold and stereotype that black authors won’t transcend and/or are forced into.  I just wanted to tell a different story.

Urban Reviews:  Have you always wanted to become a writer?
Oasis:  I’ve always been a writer in some form or fashion.   I even told myself that one day I’d write a book, but that was always a pipe dream because I never actually did anything about it until 12 years ago.  One day I just picked up my pen and wrote myself into publication and into unique interviews with people like you.    

Urban Reviews:  How has the climate of the book industry affected your role as an author?
Oasis:  The weather is good.   Every day is a weekend filled with sunshine.  Yes things are changing. Every industry has felt the affects of change; some are downward while others are stagnated.   With proper planning and preparedness, change can be a great learning experience. 

Urban Reviews: What are your ultimate goals as far as the literary industry?
Oasis:  My ultimate goal is to publish the works of other writers and to turn my novels into movies.  Things are coming together.

Urban Reviews:  Is there anyone who encouraged or inspired you to take a chance at writing?
The desire to change my life inspired me to write.  I lived a negative lifestyle, and it kept landing me in prison, it kept me at funerals of my friends, and it kept me in hospital visiting rooms with my friends who had escaped death.   I got tired of that. I got tired of hearing my mother tell me she was afraid to answer her phone.  So writing became my opportunity to do something positive with myself.  It became my solution to the streets.

Urban Reviews:  Are there any upcoming projects that we can look forward to?
Of course.  White Heat is up next.  White Heat represents the new direction my career has taken on.    It is co-authored with my wife, Mrs. Oasis.  There might be one or two books written by me on the solo, but the majority of my future projects will be with Mrs. Oasis.  We’re bringing something special to the table.  Be on the lookout for us. 

Urban Reviews:  What do you like to do when you aren't writing? 
Oasis:  To be honest, it’s all spending quality time with my wife and our family.  With me, at the end of the day, it’s always about family.  That’s what I like to do when a pen isn’t in my hand.

Urban Reviews:  What things do you think every author should do to promote their book?
Oasis:  Good question.  There are so many things that an author should do.  I would have to say to build relationships with as many book clubs and reviewers who are interested in your material as possible.  Having access to these individuals gives you access to the reading population through their unique forums because they will promote you through word of mouth.  This focus creates a promotional machine when you have the most important people talking about you: the readers themselves and the people who tell readers what to read.

Urban Reviews:  Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or your novel?
Oasis:  I just want to say that I’m here for the long haul.  We’re helping authors tighten manuscripts through our company Docuversion, a full service editing firm.  You can learn more about me at and visit me on Facebook.  In addition, I like to say thank you, Urban Reviews, for spending time with me.  And I hope you’ll have me again. 

Read our review of 'Push Comes To Shove' here:

Order your copy of 'Push Comes To Shove' here: 

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Carmen Jones - Second Chances

Second ChancesCarmen Jones
Second Chances (e-book)
Available Now!
3.5 out of 5 books

Raven Kennedy has just made a major discovery for the Atlanta Museum where she is the director. She is even more excited when the board decides that they want her to be the one to attend the auction to acquire the journal. However, the auction could not be in a worse place or at a worse time. The only man that she has ever loved, and still loves, will also be in Hilton Head the same weekend for his family reunion. The break-up with Wesley Hamilton even caused Raven to put distance between her and her best friend Katya Hamilton, who happens to be Wesley's cousin. Wesley is not at all pleased when he learns that Raven is in Hilton Head. He does, however, want answers. When Raven's life is threatened on more than one occasion, Wesley is torn between the love he still feels for Raven and the betrayal that he felt when she left without a word.

Second Chances by Carmen Jones was a good read. The character development of the main and secondary characters was great. This was a must because the secondary characters played an integral part of the story. I was however disappointed with the suspense aspect of the book. I thought the book was very predictable. Even though it didn't read as a very suspenseful novel, the romance part was very well written. Overall I think Second Chances was an enjoyable read.

Reviewed by Tenecia for Urban Reviews 

Order your copy of Second Chances e-book today!

NEW REVIEW: Blufasa - Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To Hell!

Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To HELL!Blufasa
Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To Hell!
Available Now!
3 out of 5 books

Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To Hell! by Blufasa is a tale unlike any I have ever read. It chronicles the life of Darrel Love from his embryonic stage, through adolescence, and into adulthood. Yes, the story actually begins when he's an embryo. While he is in the embryonic stage, there is a man that tells him he has the key to one of the doors in front of him. The choice is up to him to decide which path he will choose and therefore what door he will open.

As a child, Darrel has a troubled mind. Darrel realizes that he is different than other children. Darrel's thoughts always seem so dark, and his soul is tortured. After an incident where he blacks out and hurts another child, he is taken away from the only family he knows and put into an institution for troubled kids. While there, Darrel begins to uncover the dark truth about what lies beneath the surface.

Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To Hell! by Blufasa was an interesting read. The author has an interesting concept. Although I must admit that I was a bit turned off during the first 50 pages, I was a bit unnerved on what the author was trying to portray. I understood where he was going, but it could have really gone in another direction. The story has a mythological feel as well as a bit of Christianity mixed throughout, making for an interesting read. Even though my final rating is a 3, I actually am interested in reading the next installment because I am curious on how the story is going to play out.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To HELL! today!

Monday, April 04, 2011

NEW REVIEW: J. Evan Johnson - When It's Too Late to Tell

When It's Too Late to TellJ. Evan Johnson
When It's Too Late To Tell
Available Now!
3 out of 5 books

Mark Cooke is an elementary teacher, a devoted husband, and father of two who has the picture perfect life and is a believer.  His wife, Jade, is a pharmacy tech and is very active in the church.  Their lives are so full of activity and devotion to so many projects that they forget each other in the process, which opens the door to a great divide.  Craig Barlow is Mark’s best friend and a financial advisor that is searching for a mate to spend his life with.  His assistant, Alberta “Bert” DeVries, is always there with words of wisdom for Craig with his many disillusioned dates and companions.  She intercedes in prayer for Craig because she knows his heart, but she hopes that one day he'll find his faith again before it’s too late and takes just one moment to look into the window of her very soul.

When It’s Too Late To Tell is a mediocre read about life, trials and tribulations in relationships.  When your past knocks on the door of your present situations, how will Christians let what man means for bad work for their good?  Will they be able to withstand the many temptations, or will they fall and lose what they’ve worked so diligently in building?  Is the faith of a mustard seed enough to maintain what God has joined?  When you’re bitter and have turned your back on God’s goodness, do you still expect goodness to be in your life?  How can you see love when it’s staring you in your face if you’re too busy looking at your past hurts and discouragements?  These are situations that are addressed within this read.  True to life scenarios, real life dialogue, and the testing of faith on a daily basis with regular people…for your eyes only!

Reviewed by Tazzyt2bossye for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of When It's Too Late to Tell today! 

Saturday, April 02, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Pheare Alexander - Str8 Laced

Str8 LacedPheare Alexander
Str8 Laced
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

Dr. Jocelyn Reynolds was a successful child psychiatrist until she was abducted by a very disturbed woman name McClaine Henry. After weeks of horrible torture, Jocelyn is released, but she’ll never forget the events that happened during her captivity. Fast forward nine years later, and Jocelyn is juggling between being a wife, mother, and maintaining her psychiatry practice. But she still hasn’t fully discussed her horrific abduction that’s always at the back of her mind. But Jocelyn is forced to relive those terrible memories when her best friend is kidnapped by a serial killer. What makes matters worse is that this serial killer is begging for Jocelyn’s help. Will she be able to find her best friend in time?

Str8 Laced is an excellent novel by Pheare Alexander. Alexander brought a novel that is a perfect mix of horror, suspense, and drama. The storyline and the interesting mix of characters is what makes Str8 Laced a real page-turner. Some of the scenes in this book are so intense that they will stay with you long after you finish this book. This novel wouldn’t be complete without a jaw-dropping twist that will make you look at this story totally different after all is revealed. Str8 Laced is a novel for those that are not afraid to try something new and different. Pheare Alexander has definitely brought something new to African American fiction.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Str8 Laced today!

NEW REVIEW: Ci Ci Foster - Sunny Rain

Sunny RainCi Ci Foster
Sunny Rain
Available Now!
4 out of 5 books

Natalie, Monica, and Leslie are three friends that are going through very different paths in life. Natalie and her husband Bryce's different work schedules are taking a toll on their marriage. Natalie faces a huge dilemma when she becomes attracted to another man. Monica is focused on getting back her ex named Ray but is he really worth the extra effort? Leslie loves having a variety of male company, but she meets her match when she meets Derrick. These women go through some trials and tribulations that will change their lives forever.

Sunny Rain is an entertaining novel about friendship and the things that women sometimes go through to achieve true happiness. But Sunny Rain is not your typical girlfriends’ book. Ci Ci Foster did a good job of developing multi-dimensional characters. You get to see how each of these women deal with complex situations in their own way. There were some surprising twists and turns in this book that you won’t see coming. Foster did a good job of dealing with the issue of post-partum depression, something that is rarely talked about in African American fiction. Sunny Rain is a wonderful debut novel by CiCi Foster.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Sunny Rain today!

Friday, April 01, 2011

WE GOT YOU COVERED contest - Presented by and


Attention Authors!  Have we got a great contest for you!  It's called the 'We've Got You Covered' contest, brought to you by and  It's very simple to enter, and the Grand Prize is magnificent to say the least.

With the recent explosion of E-books on the market, we wanted to come up with a contest for authors who have unpublished stories.  So with the 'We Got You Covered' contest, you will have an advantage because you will be covered with the following Grand Prize:

1. Fully designed e-book cover by (valued at $100)
2. 6 months of sidebar advertising of your new E-book (valued at $150)
3. A guaranteed review by Urban Reviews (priceless!)

So, what do you have to do in order to qualify for this contest?  It couldn't be more simple.  All you have to do is submit a book description for your book and a simple one sentence saying that you attest that you will publish your e-book within one year to  The book descriptions should be about 1-2 paragraphs (think or the back of a physical book).  The submissions will be looked at by Urban Reviews, and the one story that stands out the most WINS!

So basically, any unpublished story is eligible for this contest.  If your story has already been published, that story is not eligible for this contest.

Submit your book descriptions and one sentence attestation by April 30th, 2011 at 11:59pm CST.

So get your submissions in...and GOOD LUCK!

SAVE THE DATE : 17th Annual Great Midwest Book Fest : June 21, 2025

 More info coming soon!