Monday, July 16, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Fiona Lewis - Dreaming In Color

Fiona Lewis
Dreaming in Color
Available Now!
3.5 out of 5 books

Life has been anything but great for Carlene (a.k.a. Cee-Cee) since she moved to America from her home in Jamaica. In Jamaica, life was as close to great as Cee-Cee's life would get. She had friends, an art scholarship at a summer camp...and she had a life.

Life in America was completely opposite. She had no friends, no art scholarship...and she had no life. All there was, was a pack of high school wolves ready to devour any prey that even dared walk past. The prey they had in their sights happened to be Cee-Cee.

Dreaming In Color by Fiona Lewis was a good book, but it wasn't the most exciting. The beginning was slow and not very interesting. The end was better, but it seemed like the author was trying to end the book too quickly. There were many spelling errors, but they were easy to look past. If you are looking for a quick read, then Dreaming In Color is the book to read!

Reviewed by Tabitha Graves for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Dreaming In Color today!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Lutishia Lovely - Taking Care of Business

Lutishia Lovely
Taking Care of Business
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

The Livingstons are back, and when they come back, all hell breaks loose. In this third installment of the Business Series, there is suspense, jealousy, and of course drama. Taste of Soul Restaurant on the West Coast called Taste of Soul Tapas Style (TOSTS), is a complete success and about to celebrate its one year anniversary when an unfortunate accident occurs at the restaurant. There are a series of characters that you'll read about in this novel, and you'll start to wonder did they do it? The Livingstons start to wonder if this was a simple accident, or did someone deliberately set out to sabotage the restaurant?

Bianca Livingston was climbing up the ladder in the family business. It was her business plan to run the restaurant on the West Coast that beat out the plan of her brother, Jefferson. She worked hard to get where she is, and she was not going to let anyone hinder her success. She had finally followed her heart and broke up with Cooper Riley and married to her true love, Xavier Marquis. She thought she had everything right where she wanted it. That was until the incident at the restaurant happened. Will Bianca be able to bounce back and get the restaurant up and running again? Or, will she fail at the attempt and disappoint her family?

Jefferson Livingston was the only one that did not seem too concerned about the misfortune at TOSTS. Actually, he did not even join his family in L.A. to support his sister in her time of need. Was he still upset that she beat him out of running the restaurant on the West Coast? Or could it be that he feel in love with the sister of the man that was stealing money from his family? And was she doing the exact same thing to him? Whatever it was, Jefferson was not in the mood to be anywhere near his family...just near the bottle of liquor that he woke up too.

In the third book of the Business Series, author Lutishia Lovely has written another exciting installment with Taking Care of Business. This book keeps your attention from beginning to end. The author gives you just enough drama in this book to not want to put it down until you've finished it. I've enjoyed Ms. Lovely's books because while reading them, you can see yourself in the you're living it as it happening. If you have not read the first two books (All Up In My Business and Mind Your Own Business), you need too. The author does give enough background in this book that you don't have to refer to the others. But just to get some more information and depth on the characters, I recommend them both. Besides, they're both just as good as this one.

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews 

Order your copy of Taking Care of Business today!

NEW REVIEW: Damon Darrell - No Escape Vol. 1: The Last Days of Diego Black

Damon Darrell
No Escape Vol. 1: The Last Days of Diego Black - 
Available Now!
3 out of 5 books

Diego Black is the former muscle for an old drug cartel dubbed "The Brick Boys." He was the inforcer of all things lethal or the go to man when someone needed to be handled. With the demise of the Brick Boys after the Feds shut them down, Diego is trying his hardest to become a nine-to-five working man, regardless of how little he makes. Although the money is not like he is used to, he is determined to stay on the straight and narrow. But when the past catches up to him, he may be pulled back into his old lifestyle whether he wants to or not.

Hiram Bricker is a former Brick Boy, while his brother Quenton is serving time in a Northern State prison from when the Feds shut their crew down. Hiram was lucky enough to flee before getting caught...or was he? When someone from his past resurfaces and demands an exhorbant amount of money in a short period of time, Hiram turns to his old crew to help him get out of this debt. Both Diego and Hiram are going to have to figure out how far they are willing to go to protect the ones they love and to keep secrets dead and buried. The question is how far are they willing to go?

No Escape by Damon Darrell was an okay novel at best. It read more like a typical street-lit novel than anything. A story of drugs, revenge, betrayal, lust and sex. The timeframe was a bit confusing at times because the character Hiram was given a certain amount of time to come up with the money and it's like the author bypassed how they came up with the money so fast. There were no real details on what happened from the time he tried to assemble some of his old crew to how he came up with the money. After that, everything just kind of moved fast.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of No Escape Vol. 1: The Last Days of Diego Black today!

NEW REVIEW: Cynthia White - Boss Bitch Swag

Cynthia White
Boss Bitch Swag
Available Now!
2 out of 5 books

One would assume by the title, “Boss Bitch Swag” that Cynthia White has written a book about the wife/girlfriend/wifey of a boss, but instead it is about a young man nicknamed Boss. Yes, Boss is a drug dealer who has a number of women. Throughout the book Boss has a few serious relationships, but he is never faithful. The main love of his life was a teenager named Meesha and by the title it would have been nice to hear more of her story. In the first chapter, we learn that Meesha is 21, faithfully married but diagnosed with HIV and already pregnant with her third child, so I knew I was in for a very typical hood story.

As stated in the headline, Cynthia White has a good concept, but there were too many editing issues for me to really enjoy the story. Ellipses are used and while they are fine to use during informal communication, they were overdone throughout this book. Another issue I had is that the use of the dash (-) was frequently used instead of the author writing in complete sentences. My other main issue was the repetition of curse words as it seemed unnecessary at some points of the story. The content of the story has nothing to do with the title as the reader does not know anything about the wife’s swag.

Boss Bitch Swag by Cynthia White was a struggle for me to read, and I would not recommend it to others.

Reviewed by Tiffany for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Boss Bitch Swag today!


NEW REVIEW: Silk White - Tears of a Hustler 3

Silk White
Tears Of A Hustler 3
Available Now!
1 out of 5 books

Tears of a Hustler 3 by Silk White gives you a refresher in what happened in the last chapter of the previous book. Ali is still locked behind bars, and Nancy is still his ride or die chick and willing to stand beside him, even during his life sentence. A new drug dealer comes on the scene by that name of Marvin. Marvin is trying to take over the streets even if he has to step on the toes of one of the most ruthless drug dealers, Paulenna. Marvin has no respect whatsoever for a woman and thinks that the rumors about Paulenna and her crew are all just that...rumors. Marvin soon finds out about how treacherous Paulenna really is.  Paulenna is not about to let anyone step on her turf. And she will do ANYTHING to keep intruders away. "ANYONE can get it" is Pauleena's philosphy.

Tears of a Hustler 3 by Silk White fell short in so many ways. Although Mr.White makes for an action packed novel, the story is so cut and dry. Everytime you turn the page its one group or another shooting something or someone up, with no regards to who gets hit in the process. The fact that there is not much of a story besides the bang bang, shoot 'em up effect makes the story at times confusing because you are wondering which group is the one doing the shooting this time. In comparison from the last novel, this read like a completely different novel and not one that should follow a sequel. The characters were the same but acted totally different from the previous two novels. It lacked depth, emotion and there was entirely too much going on within the story. Not to mention, this has to be the most poorly edited novel I have ever read and that is saying a lot considering how many books I read. There are mispellings riddled throughout and missing words. Honestly, this read like an unedited novel. My suggestion to Mr. White would be to go back to the first novel and re-read it and then read his last two to see that there is an obvious difference in the writing style and editing. Instead of worrying about how quick he can drop the next novel, the author should invest in himself and pay for a good editor.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Tears of A Hustler 3 today!

NEW REVIEW: Erica Hilton - From Mistress To Wifey

Erica Hilton
From Mistress To Wifey
Available Now!
4.5 out of 5 books

Jasmine was a smart pretty girl who liked the bad boy type. Having had a series of dead-end relationships with broke drug dealers, Jasmine is determined to place a claim on the winning prize. That prize is Nico, who was the interim head of the “Ghetto Mafia.” A chance encounter leads to to the title of mistress, accomplice, murderer, and ride or die chick.Will Jasmine get her prize and be able to take her position, or will she lose her freedom to keep Nico in her life?

Mia has been loyal and down for Nico for many years.  Mia knows her role as a wifey and also understands that Nico has his flock of other women. There are two rules that Nico must follow: don’t bring anything home and no form of blatant disrespect. Exotic trips, money at her disposal, and luxury cars are nothing new to Mia. But things can’t replace companionship. When Mia finds out who Nico’s latest conquest is, she will do anything in her power to keep her man, including revealing life-changing secrets. Will it be too late, or will the title of wifey be crowned to her arch rival?

From Mistress to Wifey was a solid novel. Erica Hilton did an excellent job of showing how two women from two different worlds will stop at nothing to get and keep the man in their life. Nico’s character was a well-calculated and manipulative at the same time. His every move was a strategy to get control of the “Ghetto Mafia.” Both ladies were in Nico’s plan from the very beginning, and the novel showed how poor decisions and secrets can lead to deadly consequences.

Reviewed by Kristin for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of From Mistress To Wifey today! 

NEW REVIEW: Ericka Williams - The Robbin Hood

Ericka Williams
The Robbin Hoods
Available Now!
2 out of 5 books

The Robbin Hoods by Ericka Williams is a story of a young man named Chance Major who is from Brooklyn, NY. The only thing he’s into at the time is smoking a small amount of weed. His mother moves Chance and his siblings to Teaneck, New Jersey in order to escape her abusive boyfriend and to pursue a better life for her and her children. The fact that she is unable to find a job stimulates Chance to take on the job as head of the house. He starts breaking and entering and stealing, then progresses on to cocaine. After doing a brief stretch in a prison camp, his lifetime of crime continues.

With the glitz and the glam of fast money, drugs, and all the luxuries money can bring, Chance knows deep in his heart he should stop while he’s ahead, but he is drawn into the lifestyle. He continues to tell himself, just one more time. When will enough be enough? Will he be able to get out untouched, or will he wind up behind bars or possibly even worse?

The Robbin Hoods by Ericka Williams is a typical street-lit novel, meaning, the fact that a young man is swayed by his upbringing of poverty and feels like he needs to take on the role of man of the house and bring money in by any means necessary. This leads to robbing, stealing or selling drugs. The storyline itself was predictable but where the author failed was the heart and emotional ties to the characters; they just were not there. Everything was just stated. Also, sometimes the author felt a need to use a word and give the definition, which was totally unnecessary.

Reviewed by Sofie for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of The Robbin Hoods today!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Victoria Christopher Murray - Destiny's Divas

Victoria Christopher Murray
Destiny's Divas
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

Raine, Liza, and Sierra are a new, up-and-coming gospel group called Destiny's Divas. Their singing and their testimonies are the rave across the country. In their songs, they tell their audience how great God is, but behind close doors, they sing a different tune. 

Raine Omari claims she loves everyone and could not dislike a soul...well, except her mother-in-law. Raine, tries everything she can to compromise, but it just does not work. Raine decides on a different route. Will she succeed, or will it all just cause more problems in the long run?

Twenty-something Sierra Dixon preaches that she's celibate until she can find that one true love she can marry. Not sure what celibacy means to Sierra because each man she meets, she's hopping into bed with him, and thinking he's the one...and he most definitely is not. 

Liza Washington tries to be a faithful wife to her husband. But with him being a pastor and committing all types of sin, will she be able to forgive him and work on their marriage, or will all of his scandal wreck their marriage and destroy the church?

Destiny's Divas is an awesome book by Victoria Christopher Murray. While reading this novel, you will learn about three women that look like they have it all together, but when they're not on the stage, the reality comes out. They each have their own struggle with God, and they try to find a way out of their situations. Some of the story line seems predictable, but as you keep reading, you will be surprised that all is not what it seems. I really enjoy reading all of Ms. Murray's books, and this one was no different.  Destiny's Divas is a must read. 

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Destiny's Divas today! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

NEW REVIEW: A'ndrea J. Wilson - Wife 101

A'ndrea J. Wilson
Wife 101
Available Now!
4 out of 5 books

Amber Ross is a beautiful, independent woman whom not only owns one business, but three. The only thing missing is someone special to share her life with. When Amber's ex-boyfriend comes back into her life and tells her that he is engaged to get married, Amber feels crushed. Questions begin to fly through her head like what is it about her that her ex did not see that was good enough to want to settle down with her? Was she not a good catch?

Frustrated, she enrolls in a course called Wife 101 at her church. The class is geared towards teaching woman how to have a long lasting relationship. Amber soon realizes that she has many qualities that make her a good catch but in taking the course at the church, she also sees that she has many flaws and slowly begins to work through a few things.

In the meantime Amber has three men vying for her attention. One is someone from her past, another is a business partner that is too much like her, and the other is a man that works for her. Each man has something to bring to the plate, but when one offers marriage, what will Amber do? Will she take the safe route and go to something old, something secure or a friendship that can develop into so much more?

Wife 101 by A'ndrea J. Wilson was a very enlightening read. This is a novel that will have anyone regardless if they are married or single to question some of the things in their own life. The Wife 101 classes were based off Proverbs 31 in the Bible yet it was not too preachy as you would expect it to be. Ms. Wilson does a fantastic job in writing a fictional story while working scripture into it and breaking down what each sentence really means. "That's the thing with God's Word. We may change, but it never does. The bible is full of lessons that still apply to us today as they did thosands of years ago." I would definitely recommend this novel to others.

Reviewed by Leona Romich for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Wife 101 today!

NEW REVIEW: Darrell King - Deadly Phine

Darrell King
Deadly Phine
Available Now!
2 out of 5 books

Deadly Phine tells the story of Larry a.k.a. Lucien Octavius Valentino, who’s a carrier of HIV5X, a highly aggressive and drug resistant strain of the disease that quickly mutates into full blown AIDS within a few months after transmission. He knowingly goes around infecting women with the deadly disease.

I understood some of the messages the author was trying to convey about HIV/AIDS, but the story fell flat very quick. One of the things the author could have done without was putting statistics in the beginning of a new chapter.  It made me feel as though he was introducing new characters in the story, when in fact he was just giving another statistic. The author’s lack of transition of time, scene, and characters only made this a very hard read.

I do applaud the author for tackling the subject of HIV/AIDS. Deadly Phine will serve as a reminder to never be fooled by someone’s good looks.

Reviewed by Orsayor for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Deadly Phine today!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

NEW REVIEW: Teyawna Jones - Purple Silk

Teyawna Jones
Purple Silk
Available Now!
3 out of 5 books

Layah McAllen and Leshey Baker were both born into horrible situations. Layah’ was born in jail to a crack addicted mother. Leshey’ mom left her in a garbage can at two months old so she could continue getting high. Both was raised in the foster care system, which resulted in Layah creating a tough exterior for coping and Leshey searching for meaning.

Layah was bounced from one foster care system to the next until she came upon life with Ms. Tracy. In Tracy’s house, she received exactly what she needed to become a returning citizen into family life. Unfortunately she didn’t escape the system unscathed; it’s her hustler’s mind and strong personality that is a blessing and a curse.

The blessing is how she became owner of Purple Silk gentleman’s club at age 24. But we understand karma and how this universe doesn’t forget and neither does haters. As you make your way to the top, sometimes you make enemies or develop haters who might come after you. How Layah handles what comes her way in life is shocking to the reader. As soon as she begins to make a life for herself, she becomes a guardian of a life.

Teyawna’s story of life captures the reader from the very beginning. I enjoyed how the author kept Layah true to her character as well as the growth we saw in her. Whether she can change her ways for love, the reader will find out. Whether or not she finds her happily ever after is another story.

Reviewed by Missy for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Purple Silk today! 

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

NEW REVIEW: S.B. Redd - Warped Intentions

S. B. Redd
Warped Intentions
Available Now!
2 out of 5 books

Garner Davis is the first black sports director in Columbia, South Carolina. He asks the questions that everyone really wants to know but no other reporter will ask. Garner is successful in his career but has little time for a relationship. But that does not stop his old friend, Spencer, from trying to fix him up with women.

When a fan by the name of Vernise Aikens calls Garner out the clear blue letting him know how much she enjoys his views, the two decide to meet for lunch. The two quickly hit it off. After a brief time together, Garner starts to notice some of the odd behavior that Vernise displays. When Garner tells her that they should not see each other anymore, Vernise refuses to leave him alone. She also refuses for any other woman get close to Garner. In her mind, Garner is her man and any woman that gets too near will be dealt with accordingly.

Warped Intentions by S.B. Redd is a novel that deals with trusting someone too quickly. Aside from editing issues, the back and forth between the characters became a bit repetitive. The ending of the book was too abrupt. There was no real suspense leading up to anything. With a good developmental editor, this story has the potential to be much better.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Warped Intentions today!

NEW REVIEW: Ann Christopher - Deadly Desires

Ann Christopher
Deadly Desires
Available Now!
4.5 out of 5 books

Kira Gregory is on the run for her life! The wife of a drug kingpin, she has known the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of life. Kira married Kareem Gregory to get out of her father's house. When she married Kareem, she had no idea that she was going from bad to worse. After 4 years of marriage and all the physical and emotional abuse she could take, Kira left Kareem the same night he was indicted on federal charges. Kira knew this was a death sentence, and she would live in fear as long as Kareem was alive. So when his mansion mysteriously exploded while he was home on house arrest, Kira could not believe her luck. However, she refused to believe that he was dead. She knew it couldn't be that easy. With the help of DEA Agent Dexter Brady, who had been working with Kira and other informants to get Kareem off the streets, she came to terms with Kareem's death.

Dexter has loved Kira from the first time she came to him for help. He didn't want to love her or understand how he could love a woman that was married to a monster like Kareem. It was just something that he felt in his gut. After several months of getting herself together, Kira was starting her new life and wanted Dexter a part of that life. The question is, can Dexter love her past all the hurt and fears while showing her how strong she really is?

Deadly Desires is a great read by Ann Christopher. This novel was a page turner from beginning to end. Ann Christopher did a wonderful job with transitions from chapter to chapter. She gave you just enough so that you had to read the next chapter to find out what happened. The primary and secondary characters were also very well developed. With the exception of a minor discrepancy, this was a very well thought out and organized story.

Reviewed by Tenecia for Urban Reviews 

Order your copy of Deadly Desires today!

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