Friday, April 08, 2011

INSIDE OUT WITH OASIS - Author of 'Push Comes To Shove'

Inside Out with Oasis

Author of "Push Comes To Shove"

Oasis is the award-winning author of Push Comes to Shove.  He is the CEO of Docuversion, a full-service editing firm, and an expert creative writing instructor.  He is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, and a proud father.

Urban Reviews:  Tell our readers about Push Comes To Shove.
Oasis:  Push Comes To Shove is about the pitfalls and struggles that an honest family faces while dealing with the perils of financial woes.  GP, the protagonist, and his wife demonstrate the dynamics of a family who is up against it.

Urban Reviews:  Where did the inspiration for this novel come from?
Oasis:  Push Comes To Shove is a result of my desire to break the mold and stereotype that black authors won’t transcend and/or are forced into.  I just wanted to tell a different story.

Urban Reviews:  Have you always wanted to become a writer?
Oasis:  I’ve always been a writer in some form or fashion.   I even told myself that one day I’d write a book, but that was always a pipe dream because I never actually did anything about it until 12 years ago.  One day I just picked up my pen and wrote myself into publication and into unique interviews with people like you.    

Urban Reviews:  How has the climate of the book industry affected your role as an author?
Oasis:  The weather is good.   Every day is a weekend filled with sunshine.  Yes things are changing. Every industry has felt the affects of change; some are downward while others are stagnated.   With proper planning and preparedness, change can be a great learning experience. 

Urban Reviews: What are your ultimate goals as far as the literary industry?
Oasis:  My ultimate goal is to publish the works of other writers and to turn my novels into movies.  Things are coming together.

Urban Reviews:  Is there anyone who encouraged or inspired you to take a chance at writing?
The desire to change my life inspired me to write.  I lived a negative lifestyle, and it kept landing me in prison, it kept me at funerals of my friends, and it kept me in hospital visiting rooms with my friends who had escaped death.   I got tired of that. I got tired of hearing my mother tell me she was afraid to answer her phone.  So writing became my opportunity to do something positive with myself.  It became my solution to the streets.

Urban Reviews:  Are there any upcoming projects that we can look forward to?
Of course.  White Heat is up next.  White Heat represents the new direction my career has taken on.    It is co-authored with my wife, Mrs. Oasis.  There might be one or two books written by me on the solo, but the majority of my future projects will be with Mrs. Oasis.  We’re bringing something special to the table.  Be on the lookout for us. 

Urban Reviews:  What do you like to do when you aren't writing? 
Oasis:  To be honest, it’s all spending quality time with my wife and our family.  With me, at the end of the day, it’s always about family.  That’s what I like to do when a pen isn’t in my hand.

Urban Reviews:  What things do you think every author should do to promote their book?
Oasis:  Good question.  There are so many things that an author should do.  I would have to say to build relationships with as many book clubs and reviewers who are interested in your material as possible.  Having access to these individuals gives you access to the reading population through their unique forums because they will promote you through word of mouth.  This focus creates a promotional machine when you have the most important people talking about you: the readers themselves and the people who tell readers what to read.

Urban Reviews:  Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or your novel?
Oasis:  I just want to say that I’m here for the long haul.  We’re helping authors tighten manuscripts through our company Docuversion, a full service editing firm.  You can learn more about me at and visit me on Facebook.  In addition, I like to say thank you, Urban Reviews, for spending time with me.  And I hope you’ll have me again. 

Read our review of 'Push Comes To Shove' here:

Order your copy of 'Push Comes To Shove' here: 

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