Thursday, August 11, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Nikki Turner - Heartbreak of a Hustler's Wife

Heartbreak of a Hustler's Wife: A NovelNikki Turner
Heartbreak of a Hustler’s Wife
Available Now!
3.5 books out of 5

Heartbreak of A Hustler’s Wife follows the main character Yarni Taylor, a well-respected corporate attorney and first lady of the renowned Good Life Ministry. Yarni has everything she wants, including a husband that has had her back through thick and thin, and a little girl by the name of Des. Yarni's life has done a 180 degree from the hustling lifestyle she was accustomed to, and things couldn’t be far from perfect...until a robbery of the congregation during church service changes her life forever. Yarni also has another surprise waiting at her door when an 18-year-old girl shows up claiming to be her husband’s daughter. With all of these things going on,Yarni has a lot on her plate. Will she keep her sanity, or has she finally had enough and grown tired of the hustling life?

Des is the minister of Good Life Ministry and is well respected within the community. This is not only because of his generosity of the less fortunate, but because he was a well-known hustler from back in the day. His credibility was impeccable and was a man of his word. Things take a turn for the worse when he is shot and almost killed and then the church is robbed at gunpoint during Sunday service. Des feels he is at a crossroads, and to make matters worse, he finds out he is father of an 18-year=old girl he had no knowledge about. Will Des keep his cool and find out who is out to destroy him, or is it time to give the game up for good?

Heartbreak of a Hustler’s Wife was another Nikki Turner classic. The twists and turns had me intrigued with Yarni Taylor’s life and her 'ride or die' attitude for her family and loved ones. Every page from beginning to end will hold your attention and will not disappoint. Nikki Turner stayed on the point and true to her genre with Heartbreak of a Hustler's Wife, and I will be patiently waiting for her next novel.

Reviewed by Kristin for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Heartbreak of a Hustler's Wife: A Novel today!

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