Wednesday, May 07, 2014

NEW REVIEW : Payback Ain't Enough by Wahida Clark

Payback Ain't Enough
Wahida Clark
Available Now !
1 out of 5 books

Mills 'aka' Dark is released from prison shortly after he murders Forever and Dark has plans on making a serious come up. Dark enlists the help of his cousin Shaira, Briggen's ex, who is hell-bent on revenge for the way Briggen dogged her. Dark is willing to do anything to make his come up in the hood.
A pregnant Shan is angry once she finds out her husband, Briggen has been keeping secrets from her. When the police come to arrest him, it is revealed to Shan that he is still in the game. Shan is so angry that Briggen lied to her she refuses to see him while he is behind bars. With Briggen locked up Shan happens upon a package and some money that she knows belongs to someone else, but greed has her plotting and planning on what to do with it. So she turns to the one person besides her husband that she trusts, but will it be a mistake?

Payback Ain't Enough by Wahida Clark is the third installment of the "payback" series. Although I enjoyed the first two, this one leaves little to be desired. The overall story was all over the place, with insignificant storylines and sex scenes that were totally unnecessary. There were too many characters. Even in reading the other books it left me confused. I thought it was ironic that Shan was so angry at Briggen for being in the game and lying, just for her to do the same thing. The characterization of Shan was totally different that in the other books. Although I read the uncorrected proof, I have to mention the fact that there was major editing issues and it was riddled with mispellings. My suggestion is for Ms. Clark to hire a qualified editor with all the books she has under her publishing company. This is not a good look, uncorrected proof or not.

Reviewed by Leona

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