Sunday, January 24, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Nene Leakes with Denene Millner - Never Make The Same Mistake Twice

Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Lessons on Love and Life Learned the Hard WayNene Leakes with Denene Millner -
Never Make The Same Mistake Twice -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star NeNe Leakes is known for being loud, outspoken, opinionated, and at times brash. In her book Never Make the Same Mistake Twice, NeNe opens that hard protective shell she has placed around herself, to keep out hurt and disappointment, and allows her readers and fans a glimpse at who Nene really is and how she became to be.

She reveals things in her book that she has never talked about on the show. Her book reads like a conversation you would have with your girlfriends. The book reveals vulnerability, humor, and soul cleansing. It shows you another side of the multifaceted NeNe Leakes. If you are a Housewives fan, you will enjoy this look into the life of NeNe Leakes. Even if you are not a fan, Never Make the Same Mistake Twice is a pretty good read.

Reviewed by Tenecia for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Lessons on Love and Life Learned the Hard Way today!

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