Tuesday, December 21, 2010

NEW CONTEST: 12 Days of Christmas: Day 9 - Karyn Grice (Winners Announced!)

No Strings AttachedContest for 12 Days of Christmas - Day 9: Karyn Grice - Details Inside...

Visit http://www.URBANREVIEWSONLINE.COM to enter this contest and others!

1 comment:

UR said...

CONGRATS GOES OUT TO: Harlan S. of CA, Michelle M. of MI, Crystal M. of LA, Latoya L. of IL, and Unika M. of MS.

They all won the Day 9 giveaway for a copy of NO STRINGS ATTACHED by Karyn Grice for the 12 Days of Christmas promotion.

See what today's giveaway is and how you can enter at http://bit.ly/12daysofxmas2010.

New Review : Grace Welcomes the Lady Next Door : Vivian L. King

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