Monday, March 14, 2011

NEW REVIEW: June - This Game Has No Loyalty

This Game Has No LoyaltyJune
This Game Has No Loyalty
Available Now!
4 out of 5 books

When you enter into the world of hustling, there are rules and guidelines you need to follow. Trust no one, and always be ahead of the game. But when you start to let your guard down, chaos can erupt!

Junior was an up-and-coming dealer in the Baptiste area. Junior had a lot to prove, especially since he wasn’t from the area and was claiming territory. With schooling from his older cousin, Junior assembles a team to get his product moved throughout the Baptiste streets. With things running smoothly, Junior's world is turned upside down when there is a traitor inside of his camp. Junior learns fast about the game and who is really loyal in his camp. But will Junior take heed to his cousin’s advice, or will his being too trustworthy lead to his ultimate demise?

Shondra was born and breed in Baptiste. She was an around-the-way girl who was known for her fighting skills. She didn’t sleep around and was held on another level then most girls in the area. Shondra began a relationship with Junior, and became a ride or die chick for her man. Shondra has held Junior down for 3 years and are engaged to be married. But when all the changes start happening in his camp, Shondra notices a change in her man. They begin to argue, and it seems like he is drifting farther and farther away. Will Shondra still hold her man down, or will their relationship be tested for the last time?

This Game Has No Loyalty by June was a good book. June did an excellent job of painting the picture of Junior and the trials and tribulations he goes through in the game. Throughout the read, I think the book stayed true and had me anticipating what was going to happen next. I can’t wait to read Part II.

Reviewed by Kristin for Urban Reviews

Order your copy This Game Has No Loyalty today! 

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