Tuesday, July 15, 2014

NEW REVIEW: White Heat by Oasis & Mrs. Oasis

3.5 out of 5 books

Limbo was a major player in the drug game  and had to uproot his family to move away because of some problems he ran into. His wife told him that he needed to be there for the kids and her and if he uprooted them again or got arrested again, she was not going to do another bid with him…no matter what or how long the time. She was tired and she wanted Limbo out of the game.  Apparently Limbo did not take to heart the words his wife told him because after he gets locked up shortly thereafter, he receives divorce papers while in prison.
While in prison another inmate hooks him up with one of his girls’ friends to come visit Limbo, to keep his spirits up. When the white bombshell Rhapsody walks in, she reminds Limbo that they have met once before. They just never got the chance to get to know one another. While Limbo is locked up, Rhapsody is holding it down for him. She constantly writes him letters, puts a little money on his books and accepts collect calls from him. By the time Limbo is released from prison they both have caught feelings for one another. The two begin a relationship and Limbo quickly jumps back into the game. Rhapsody could care less because Limbo is everything she has ever wanted in a man. The only problem seems to be with everyone that surrounds Limbo, warning him that they have a bad vibe from Rhapsody. Which may very well lead to his downfall. Will he listen before it is too late?
White Heat by Oasis & Mrs. Oasis was a story of love and deception.  A quick read that will have the reader quickly turning the pages to see what happens next. The main complaint I had about this story is how it ended.  It just abruptly ends with a shock at the end.  With the way the story played out I am not sure if a sequel would be necessary for the authors to write, but I kind of feel cheated, like maybe an Epilogue could have been used at the end to show the repercussions of some of the characters decisions and how they played out in the end. All-in-all this was a good story.
Reviewed by Leona

Urban Reviews

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